
This web site is designed for new students in econometrics courses.  Spend some time with this web site, and you will be ready to understand that $150 textbook you are carrying around campus.

 Help for New Students
This section is the reason for the existence of this web site.  More students get lost here than anywhere else in an econometrics course.  The instructor moves on to what he or she is interested in, and you are lost.  Free Preview:  Everybody likes a good graph.  Here is an interactive example.  You can learn a lot just by running this one.

The Best Case Scenario
After getting a start understanding regressions, you will want to get acquainted with the details of regression analysis under the most favorable conditions.

Violations of the Assumptions
A good bit of econometrics deals with techniques for dealing with data that does not satisfy the assumptions above.  That includes a lot of data.

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How does what we have learned apply to economics?